Monday, June 29, 2015

Big Annoucment :)

Hello my lovelies!

      So, being me, I completely forgot about this blog. I knew in some part of the back of my mind I totally would, but I didn't think I would forget it that quickly! Why I happened to stumble across this again, you ask? Well, truth be told, I think I'm going to start writing on Movellas again. I know I have said this before, but I feel like this is the right time to do so.

      I stopped writing because it all became a little bit too much. People were pressuring me to update all the time and I honestly just wasn't getting anything out of it anymore. The whole writing thing started out to be really fun. I would write every single day till my fingers would cramp and eventually give out on me all together. I wanted to be a better writer and get noticed by the general population and when I did that, it was like chaos erupted.

      Anyone who writes online will know exactly what I'm talking about when I say that the pressure to make everything perfect was almost crushing. You have so many people reading what you are doing and so many people who expect something from you that you may or may not have. It's absolutely mental.

      And sometimes you want to change the plot in your story, but once you tell people that, it causes a general uproar. It's. Absolutely. Mental.

      Anyways, all of that made me want to stray away from writing. It became something I did for the people instead of for myself. It's been almost a year and a half since I have continuously written any type of story, and I honestly miss it very much. I miss the sound of my fingers pounding away on the keyboard and the rush of pure bliss I get when I finally finish a difficult chapter. It was my own little getaway and now that it's gone, I can't help but ache for all of it again. That is why I figured I would start from the beginning. Of course, Movellas isn't the same and it probably never will be quite like what it was when I joined it, but I think it's worth a shot.

      That is what brings me to my big announcement. As most of you may or may not know, I am one of the authors to the famous story 'Amnesia' on Movellas that has over 152k reads and is in the process of being published. If you know this, then you must know that Rosie and I are trying to edit everything and completely change the plot of the story for the better. What you do NOT know is that we are changing the name of it and I have had the honor of making the cover for the big reveal.

      If you are reading this, then you are one of the first people to know about this little announcement. We haven't told the general 'Amnesia' crowd, so congrats on staying ahead of the gossip!

      But you still don't know the name! Ha!

      Oh, don't give me that look! Okay, fine, I guess I will tell you!

      The name of the new title is... Drumroll please!...... Between Us!

      Now, I don't know about you, but I'm majorly excited for this! But, wait! There's more! We wanted to somehow incorporate our Movellas family into this, so we're throwing a little contest of sorts. Everyone who creates a video with the hashtag #AmnesiaFamily and tags Rosie and I in it (it can be on Movellas or Twitter) saying their favorite part in the book, or who they ship, or just a general note to us, will get their name mentioned in the published and final version of the book! So if you want you're name to be seen by millions or just want to support the book, then I really insist you become apart of this! If you have any questions, message me on Movellas or where ever! I really hope you guys love it!

      Oh, and stay tuned for a follow me around blog tomorrow! I will be shopping around and tell you guys a bunch of my fashion tips and show you whatever I buy! Hope you all have a fabulous day!


- El xx